Unstable Dungeon was made for theGDevelop BIG Game Jam #5,
where it placed 3rd in judges pick and 8th in the community vote out of 308 games.

You are a stalwart hero seeking for treasures from long forgotten dungeons.

Alas just as you pick up the golden goblet from the pedestal in front of you, the dungeon starts to shake and crumble into the void cascade that is consuming the whole dungeon. 

Can you escape in time with your treasures?

WASD / Arrow keys to move
Space to Jump
LMB to attack
RMB to Sheath/Unsheath your sword.
ENTER to return to main menu.
ESC to restart from Prologue.

You can listen the Tomb theme by Fatal Exit here and support him.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Play on GD.games
Unstable Dungeon-linux.AppImage 100 MB
Unstable Dungeon-macos.zip 97 MB
Unstable Dungeon-windows.zip 101 MB

Development log


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How is the lighting done?


I thought this was really neat and well-crafted, 3D bonus points of course! 


Wow, I love 3D graphics, visuals and light effects. Very impressive for gdevelop engine! 

Thank you, so glad you liked the game <3

