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Can you make tutorial how to make 3d shadow because the extension of entropy not working with me


Awesome concept. How the hell did you get the 3D bloom to work in Gdevelop ?

GDevelop supports some 3d effects now, which includes a Bloom effect.


yeah I tested it, for some reason the all my layers get hidden under a black fill when the bloom effect is active. Can’t seem to work around it. Would appreciate some help if its not too much to ask

The glow effect makes the layer non transparent unfortunately so all the layers behind it are not visible.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great music! The Day and Night system is really cool!  Everything is very consistent visually! I did spot an area where the NPCs sort of gather together and walk into a wall collectively, which I thought was kind of funny. Solid gameplay!

Yea that happens now and then, the citizen strolling is not that accurate, but sufficient to a game jam game.
I will be fixing that down the line in the near future.


Brilliant Work! I also enjoyed the puzzles... I'll make a point to look into some of the other games you've developed... moons-embrace has a pretty cool opening.

Thanks <3
So glad that you liked that game as well <3


what to do after climbing

I ran out of time to implement light bulb changing so it was not yet added.