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Great concept!

Thank you <3


How do you draw wires on mobile im stuck on the first tutorial because if this

Press the Wire button on bottom left to toggle wiring mode on & off


awesome little game ! the concept is basic (remind me my electricity lesson...).

Need a full game !

Thanks, glad you liked the game, it is intended to have a closeness to electricity lessons that I had back in the day so yea.
I'm working on expanding the game further.

(6 edits)

I like the game. I think that the not gates  are kind of overpowered tho because for some levels you can just connect all the switches and if the last gate is red you can just make it green with the not gate and if it isnt you can just put the not gate on a gate/switch that's before an or gate to make it go from 2 greens to 1 so the or gate's output stays the same


Not gates as they are just inverters work as intended, in the tutorial level the 2 not gates is to show how they work in all its simplicity.
On the logic puzzles there are more variety and sometimes you need to think where to place the no gates to get the desired signal out.

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It's a fun concept, however draging is too much pain.

  • The ability to click and re-click it in place would be nice. 
  • On second thought- Switches are always seems to be connected to the battery. Then what is the point in dragging from the menu. Even better, what is the point in draggin all of them when we are supposed to use all of them (I might be wrong as I did not play longer). [I can understand if menu is needed, then if the player clicks on the object, it gets attached to the cursor and wherever on the playing area LMB, the object gets placed there. 
  • Same for the wiring. It would be even cooler, if we can  click the one end of wire and attach to the another end of wire. It would be kind on player's hand. 
  • Dragging switch behaves very unexpectedly sometime if the switches are too close to each other. You may wanna look into it.

    This project is awesome btw.

The switches and components are under a menu for futureproofing for free building mode later one when I get that finished.

The components sticking to each other when dragging them close to each other is a problem I need to address at some point.

Thanks for the feedback it's always nice to hear different points of view and suggestions.


How to connect logic components in tutorial 0001?

The tutorial note says not to touch live (green) components, but logic gate is always green, even unconnected to anything, with no option to turn it off so whenever I try to wire it, it sparks.


The unconnected component on its own might be live (green) as no connection on inputs is defined as 0 so the output is 1.
Connect a wire from the switch to the component and toggle the switch to get those components outputs non live (red).

(1 edit) (+1)

Good game, but 2 problems I've noticed

1. After level  0111 it takes me back to level 0000

2. Maybe tell us that the wire has to be red before we start wiring it a little sooner? Like level 0000. I got stuck for like 10 minutes trying to figure that out.

Either way, great job. Better than I could ever do. 

Also, it keeps the tutorial instruction after that glitch (number 1)

Hum I have to check that tomorrow.
Thank you for reporting this issue <3

The level transition from 0111 to The End works properly now.


Great game


Keeps freezing up on Android. Not a single button will do anything. 

Hm, I'll have to check it out with some friends as I don't have any Android devices to test with.

Is the problem on both WEB and executable versions?
What Android device do you have?


The APK version, an LG G8 thinQ

What Android OS version do you have?
Trying to figure out if it's a compatibility issue or something else.

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it is for some reason really fun, but it is very complicated with my brain and the levels that i pass are either pure luck, or it was pretty easy. but fun!

Nice to hear that you liked the game <3


It says it works on mobile but its not working

(1 edit)

Oh, you're right.
I did an big update a while back and forgot that the mobile controls needed a rework as well.
My bad, I'll try to fix that soonish when I have a proper time slot for it.
But for now I'll take off the mobile support as it does not function properly.

Thank you for notifying me with this issue.


could u plz notify me if u have updated this to make it suitable for mobile:)thx!

Yup, I can do that.

Deleted 125 days ago

Logica is now fully mobile supported.
If you encounter any bugs, please tell me of them so I can fix them asap.


i dont even understand dragging the switch in the tutorial. neither mouse button moves anything. this is going to be confusing before i even get to the logic. not a very intuitive UI and full of spelling errors

(2 edits) (+1)

You drag the components with the LMB and draw the wires using RMB.

Spelling errors might be there as I am not a native English speaker and this game was made in  a week for a game jam.If you could point out where the grammatical errors are, I can go and fix them accordingly.


ignore the spelling errors note, as it's absolutely unimportant to the fact that the interface is absolutely unintuitive if not unusable, period.

i'm sure someone will say "oh you do this", but "You drag the components with the LMB and draw the wires using RMB" -- no, no you don't.  The tutorial level doesn't even come close to that being useful.  It doesn't work.  


Good to know it's not just me. I'm on firefox and neither mouse button does anything at all to the switch except highlighting the word 'wiring'


Hmm, weird, since I'm also running on firefox.
Does it hit sparks when trying to wire with RMB?
That indicates that it is powered and you got zapped with electricity.


Odd. It works perfectly fine now. On firefox and chrome. I told myself I was just testing the mouse buttons and accidentally played through the tutorial lol


Good to hear that it works now for you <3


Since all the switches need to be on all the time, why have them rather than just making them continuous wire?


The initial thing was to have more signal definitions as well as To be able to check connections in both states of switching and a teachable moment of never touch a live wire thing with fun effects, but for 2 days time that I had, it was not implemented yet.

But the variety and reasoning is to be implemented later on after I get to release the after jam versions and more.

Hey there!
Just making sure that people upload their games to with the "game jam 4" genre tag on them so they're complying with the rules. Without the game being on you won't be able to win any prizes if your game gets looked at by the judges.

And if you could add a link to the page for your game in your itch description, that would be great. 👍

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But I do have a link to, it's in the downloads section as external link as always with all of my games.
And the game has the GameJam #4 tag on it.

But I'll add the link to the decription text field as well for safetys sake.

The version is the updated version though since I don't have the GameJam source files to compile the old version, but is still the Game Jam version as is the rules as I kept the game jam uploadable files separate..

maybe have it automatically go to the next level so you are absolutely  sure if you did the level correctly, since i have no idea if i did ANY level correctly because of how weirdly i solved some lol


I'm making changes on the game already to clarify the completition conditions are revamped as well as loads of bug fixed and improvements applied that I can release after the jam is over :)


and now turn it into " My Summer Logic "  :)

Yea bored teacher voicing the lines in broken Finnish rally english for instructions :D
That'd be authentic, reminds me of school times :D